Friday, December 15, 2017

Mapping Fear of Crime using Opelayers3

As part of my PHD research I had to create a WebGIS platform to present questionnaire answers for varius questions related to the Urban Fear Of Crime. 

The platform created under the Urban Fear of Crime Project supports two main goals through a user friendly, intuitive and easy to use interface. On the one hand, the collection of data by our online survey questionnaire and on the other, the analysis of submitted answers. Analyses can refer to one or more questions while their outcomes and results are provided as one or two-way tables and charts. Respectively, cartographic visualizations of variables (questions) can be 2D or 3D respectively in the form of point density or thematic maps at a respondent or country level. Filters can always be applied to data (answers and respondents) selecting subsets either by attribute or by dynamically drawing the geometric shape of the study area on the screen or finally, by uploading a respective schematic file (KML). Results can then be exported both in an image (png) or data (CSV, GeoJSN) file format. 

We are currently working on and we will soon be able to allow certified users (professors, teachers, researchers and students as well as practitioners) to set up their own research groups and teams whose submitted by their members data (completed questionnaires) they will have the ability to download in a CSV file in order to be further processed and analyzed for their own research purposes and projects.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes of your time to fill our online survey questionnaire. Please be assured that all responses are anonymous and will strictly be used for the completion of my doctoral dissertation thesis.
Once you finish with questionnaire you may refresh the map webpage  and see your answers mapped.

For the completion of the project the following libraries has been used:

1. openlayers 3 . For the WebGis capabilities.
2. Chart.js. For the creation of Graphs and Charts
3. ol3-ext from Viglino.  Using two lib extensions as follows:
 3.1 OL3-AnimatedCluster. For drawing animated clusters on map
 3.2 . For drawing charts on map 
4. sidebar-v2 for ol3. Just a side bar over the map as a map control
5. Ol3-geocoder.  An ol3 geocoding control
6. Jquery + bootstrap for the UI.

Urban Growth Lab - UGLab

Proud to release a first version of the UGLab project .  UGLab is a python open source project capable to execute Urban Growth predictions f...